我是一个一直都很爱往回头望的人。 夜阑人静的时候,我就会想起从前......

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

谢谢--special thanks to

again, i have my face smashed for my birthday (in fact, my face get smashed roughly 150 minutes before my birthday). anyway, millions thanks to my friends.
i like the cakes, cards, condoms, candles, lemon pie and bag!!! obviously, i am not surprised, but i am touched and happy. as what my brother told me, i am always surrounded by many 'angels', and you are the angels, yes, you, the one reading my blog now!
i do not want to mention the names, because not only those who celebrate with me i want to thank to, but also those friends in malaysia. i appreciate every effort and wishes from everyone!
finally, sorry to pekwee for opening your fridge without your permission.


Anonymous said...

it's our day, huang da ji ri!
i wanna sms u but failed, cant send, dunno y.
so happy birthday.

the pisces gurl tingting

Anonymous said...

it's ok abt the fridge thing.. just a small matter.. anyway, it's over, just at that moment i was a little stunned. so sorry to be so shocked and kinda higher up my pitch towards you.. i'm really sorry.. hehe..